In the week where apps are being fined for spying on you and your family without consent and companies are making it harder for you to push your message to your friends and family across social media, here are some jolly must reads stories 🤪

🤩 Your Five For Friday 🤩
😡Yes, mics are on: The Spanish Football app was fined (GDPR) for listening to you
😳Amazon are also going through a legal battle about listening in without consent⚽️The highest paid athletes list is out (and the top 62 are men)
Random Story of The Week: This is so LA, instagram account following people breaking scooters
❝Quote that resonated with me this week❞
We all have challenges. We have to face them, embrace them, defy them, and conquer them. — Victoria Arlen

❤️ Marketing / Growth / Advertising ❤️
Amazon has overtaken Google and Apple to become the worlds most valuable brand
It’s that time of the year Mary Meeker’s trend report was ran through at Code Con (full video run through here), if you haven’t seen the deck, it is a must read
Friend of the newsletter Beth (and fellow newsletter curator) has a nice summary of Drift’s hypergrowth conference and why it was so refreshing
Even the star of Facebook Watch new series has no idea what Watch is (Facebook Watch even RT-ed it - go figure)
💵 Business 💵
Spotify is going after the drive time radio slot with curated playlists - this is important as buy into the Spotify brand is going to be high, the value exchange will appear high and long term this move will take advertising money from Radio stations
Managers have far more influence than they realise, especially when they are unhappy
Lidl is coming for Tesco’s, investing £500m for 40 new stores in London - Lidl investing into the UK market is important and will increase jobs in a time of uncertainty
The CEO of ClassPass talks openly on confidence, competition and capital gains
Deliveroo is looking to introduce dynamic / surge pricing in Singapore - it is important to note why
🚀 Product 🚀
Dropbox is going into task management & what it means - My take storage shows you how and why business and organisations are so stretched and centralising on points with communication points is getting harder
Huawei had to quicken up, heres some insights about moving away from Android
Uber to use drones to deliver your food? - The tech should concentrate on keeping the food warm and fresh vs being cool and flashy
Uber might also be going into Fintech - Uber credit card anyone?
🎧 Must Listen Of The Week 🎧

🤔Final Thought 🤔
I spoke on a digital panel at Digital 4.0, over the last 15 months I have spoken at and attended a number of digital transformation conferences and here are my top take aways

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(and of course all views are my own)
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